Thursday, November 4, 2010


1. Why are adults exhauseted?
Alot of adults are exhausted for the same reasons such as: Their job, usually kids, bills, work around their home, ect..
2. Should parents work?
I believe that both prents should work as long as that's the way they can maintain theirselves and their family. Two people working would make their lives more easier like keeping up with bills and and having money for their children and at the end of the day have extra spare money for their own personal things.
3. Should kids be forced to cook, clean, and take care of children?
No child should be forced to clean , cook, or take care of children. Kids should be asked and nicely told to do things but not forced. You can TEACH them to cook, clean, and take care of children so they can understand why they should do it. In other words if they completely understand, then they should be capable of doing those things without hesitation. Forcing a child will work but they will always be scared of you. No HUMAN should be forced to do anything in anyway, that's called harrassment.

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